Sunday, December 13, 2009

/his cigarette is burning, but he never seems to ash/

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks because I have been busy-ish. I mean, I've had time to watch movies and go out to the bar, just haven't put my free time toward scanning and posting... so, maybe I'm a bad person, deal with it.
But I have felt guilty about it. I have been drawing less these past two weeks than usual, so I am posting a little more than usual now.
From the top:
1. my father wearing my sister's flowery headband.
2. drawing myself naked is very liberating and I like the result.
3+4. owls and hummingbirds
5. a coupla random girls and a bear quoting Kevin.
6. Sally Bowles from the movie version of "Cabaret" c. 1972
7. llamas
8. Inspired by "The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou" c. 2004, a film by Wes Anderson.

On the topic of Wes Anderson, I saw his film adaptation of Roald Dahl's wonderful book, The Fantastic Mr. Fox. I loved the book as a child, but I also love the movie version. A wonderful stop-motion depiction of a good story. The models and sets are amazing and the dialogue is, of course, witty and hilarious. Doff of my cap to you, Mr. Anderson.


music: Comfort Eagle by Cake [Comfort Eagle]

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