Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Featured Blog:

My blog might be small, and maybe a dozen people read it with any degree of regularity, but I do enjoy doing a feature. For you. Whomever of you followers who pay attention.

I have a list, the length of my leg, of blogs and online comics and tumblrs that I follow.

One art site I have found very entertaining, creative, and simply plain cool is Lunch Bag Art. http://lunchbagart.tumblr.com/
It's pretty self-explanatory, but it's also possibly the coolest way to make lunch for yourself and/or your kids more cool and exciting.
One of my favorites is this one:

I have no official affiliation with this site and I don't even know, nor have I even met, the gentleman who makes these brown paper artworks. I'm simply posting this because I like and I am making no claim that I have created or that I have any kind of legal control of it. I just like it.
The paintings are not only lovably adorable, they are beautiful.

Thanks for letting me throw props to someone I don't even know.

Love, Nat.

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